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Printed Fence Cover Material & Edge Selection Guide

Edge Finish Selection Guide:

What surface are you applying your cover to? Suitable Materials Suitable Edge Finishes Considerations (see Installation Guides)
Metal (Colourbond, corrugated iron) •100% Blockout
•80% Blockout
•Velcro & eyelets (for fences 5m in length and over)
•Eyelets only
•Need to order heavy duty velcro
Glass •100% Blockout
•80% Blockout
•Double Sided Printing
•Velcro & eyelets (for fences 5m in length & over)
•Straight edge no finish
•For double sided printing, order eyelets where there are posts for the glass.
•Can attach straight on to glass - order heavy duty velcro tape.
Hard plastic / slats •100% Blockout
•80% Blockout
•Double Sided Printing
•Straight edge no finish
•Eyelets only
•Order extra 600mm if it is to be dug in to ground
Hardifence (must have capping) •100% Blockout
•80% Blockout
•Velcro & eyelets •Eyelets every 1m
Brick •100% Blockout
•80% Blockout
•Eyelets •Eyelets at every post
Wood/Timber •100% Blockout
•80% Blockout
•Straight edge no finish

•Use screws and washers to  fix cover to fence.

Chain link •100% Blockout
•80% Blockout
•Double Sided Printing
•Eyelets •Order UV Zip Ties.
•Order velcro to attach straight edge metal rails.
Wrought Iron / Stainless steel •100% Blockout
•80% Blockout
•Double Sided Printing

Material Selection Guide:

Where will your cover be situated? Do you just want the best visual appeal? Do you want heat and glare reduction? Do you need privacy? Do you need light and air to filter through? Is it a main feature or just a backdrop until your garden grows? Is Affordability a consideration?
Outside full force of the weather •100% Blockout

•100% Blockout •100% Blockout •80% Blockout •80% Blockout •80% Blockout
Outside slightly sheltered •100% Blockout •100% Blockout •100% Blockout •80% Blockout •80% Blockout •80% Blockout
Outside fully sheltered •100% Blockout •100% Blockout •100% Blockout •80% Blockout •80% Blockout •80% Blockout
On a balcony •100% Blockout
•Double sided 100% Blockout
•100% Blockout
•Double sided 100% Blockout
•100% Blockout
•Double sided 100% Blockout
•80% Blockout •80% Blockout •80% Blockout
As a temporary solution (12mths or less) •80% Blockout •100% Blockout •100% Blockout •80% Blockout •80% Blockout •80% Blockout

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